Species: WolfSkunk
(Canis Mephit)
Class: Everything Polymorphic
(w/Draconic, Python, Hentai, Headtail, others unidentified)
Age: 25 (acts like that, body age
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Height: 12', but can range between
6' and 24'
Build: Mix of muscular male and
toned female. Has a large bust line, but strong chest and back (and
even then, they're inflated)
Weight: Aproximately 600 Sol 3/Earth
Fur: WolfSkunkish. Primary color
Tuscan Red, Secondary color cream/greyish red Eyes: Brown, but due to
being part Oracle, glow bright white when angry/PO'ed.
Clothing: Varies with task. Usually
a tanktop and a pair of cutoffs. With offical CMSC operations, a Babylon
5-like uniform.
RANK PIN -- Gold bar pin on the right strap of the tanktop
(otherwize over CommPin or on collar), with four blue lines (indicating
CMSC Admiral, all fields).
CMSC COMMPIN -- on left strap (or side),
consisting of a WolfSkunk paw ontop of a bar (with a cast starfield)
with pointed ends.
Special powers:
POLYMORPHIC -- can assume any reasonable
shape (and some unreasonable ones, too). Side effect of occasonal shapeshifing
while sleeping
'NET CONNECTIVY -- Like a computer, running
Linux as the core OS in hir mind, shi is able to use any method of connectivity
to the Internet. Due to the RedWolf Key Accident of 5972, is able to
connect to most any computer as "root" or "head admin."
MAZOR INSIDE -- Able to focus the background
radaition into a mazor a-la Ensby of Schlock
SPUTWOLFSKUNK SPRAY -- Not only nausiating,
but enlightening as well. Expect to only ask questions for about six
Special objects:
RL via the Journal of Irreproducable Results, this small wooden box
with a lid on it contains one hungry black hole. Only RedWolf can open
it, and shi has to be really PO'ed to do it.
MODIFIED LUGER 45 -- Modified to be a larger
Gauss/gunfoam weapon.
PC-186 -- Plasma Cannon. Makes an "Ominous
Hummm". Amazes (maims) and astounds (punches big holes in whatever
you aim at).
PALMOS PDA -- Auxiliary Backup Brain.
PENGUIN PLUSHIE -- For the kids.
-- A wooden sledge-o-matic on steroids.
History: Best
sung to Bohemian Rhapsody.